Thursday, August 17, 2006

moron search engine understand not combustion

One's relationship with a search engine is like one's relationship with a priest, doctor, lawyer, or journalist. In other words, keep Slate away from your medical records and your churches.

jokes about dick cheney
So far, Mr(s). AOL User-Person, I like you.

jokes about dick cheney but not george bush
Okay, not anymore. Plus, you have used one preposition and one conjunction, whereas you should have used zero and zero, respectively.

dick cheney creep
dick cheney dickhead

I too resort to name-calling when I can't think of anything funny, but in the future you can just think these things and not type them into a search engine.

where is iraq
This is earnest if nothing else. If something else, ignorant.

where is lebenon
Let me know if you ever figure this one out.

his bullets
his bullies

Hezbollah is a transliteration. You is a moron.

bush appruval

bush approvel
Why did you change the “a”? You almost had it! You almost passed a fifth grade spelling test!

bush drops below
I would really hate computers if I had to come up with phrases to replace words like “approval.” Alternatively, I would learn how to spell words like “approval.”

love thine enemas
Hahahahaha, that's pretty funny. Maybe you've been kidding all along.

love thine enemies
bible quote of the day
insperation from bible

This is awkward.

george bush great president
george w bush great president
dream on

I choose to view these as a unit.

places like crawford but without cindy sheehan
I'm not sure what you mean by “like.” Did Sheehan really ruin the city for you?

crawford the town not cindy crawford
Probably you should have dropped “cindy” altogether and left “sheehan.”

like crawford tx but not so hot
best places to retire not hot
best places to retire global warming
global warming mith
global warming myth

Someone is a little defensive about his/her pseudoscience.
mith ?!?!?! really?!?!?!

crawford hot
cindy crawford hot

Are you taking suggestions from the search engine?

rice hot
rice hot not recipes
rice naked
rice nude

Stare at this: Condoleezza
Now, try to spell: the first name of the Secretary of State.
Finally, do this: reveal that you want to see Condi naked.

bible quotes resisting temptation
Sorry, I couldn't.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one is my favorite.

7:18 PM  

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